I hope you forgive yourself today 

I hope you forgive yourself today. I hope you are able to let go of the pain that’s constantly lingering. I hope you have the strength to get out of your house today. I hope you forgive yourself today. I hope you find the strength to laugh today. Genuinely laugh. Not where your laugh turns to tears because you’re so tired of pretending you’re okay. I hope you don’t pretend today. I hope you see that life is more than all the sadness you feel inside. I hope you forgive yourself today. I hope you find love; In yourself, in your passion in nature, in someone else, in whatever. I hope you find love today. I hope you find the strength to still be kind. I hope the world will not make you bitter, angry or cold. I hope you still find your tenderness because that’s what’s going to keep you going. I hope you move today even if it’s just another part of your room and not your bed. I hope you find the courage to talk to someone. I hope you Forgive yourself today. 💙

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